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Springer Spaniel

Springer Spaniel Profile

Other Names: Springer , English springer Spaniel

Country of origin: Great Brittan

Dog Group Kennel Club: Gundog

General appearance:

The Springer Spaniel was traditionally bred as a gun dog and has a strong appearance and joyful, active attitude. They have weather resistant coats that lay close to the body with feathering on various parts of the body.The English Springer Spaniel has a coat that is of moderate length. There is feathering on the brisket, chest, ears, and legs. The English Springer Spaniel is a compact, medium sized sporting dog with long ears. This dogs expression is alert, kindly and trusting, just think of the expression 'spaniel eyes'. When they look up at you with those deep brown or dark hazel eyes they could get away with anything.


Two main colours of black and white and liver and white although both can have tan markings.


Dogs           48 - 53 cms

Bitches       46 -51 cms


                              Min                 Max
Bitch            23kg (51lbs)  24kg (53lbs)
Dog               24kg (53lbs)  25kg (55lbs)


Intelligent and alert at the same time as being affectionate and easy to train, Springer Spaniels are generally good with children but do require significant levels of exercise due to their breeding.  They have plenty of stamina and can also be good with other household pets. English Springer Spaniels are sociable, gregarious, and gentle. They are also courageous, highly intelligent, and sincere. They are excellent with children and love everyone. The English Springer Spaniel thrives on human interaction and must be with their family as much as possible. Springers are known to continue to develop and mature until they are 2 years old. Aggression and dominance are not common in the breed but can be a problem if not handled carefully when young.


Covering ground and fast when required.

Care and training:

This breed requires regular grooming with a stiff bristle brush. Bathing or dry shampooing should only be done when necessary. Their ears must be cleaned and checked on a consistent basis. It is important to keep the hair on the feet trimmed to prevent burrs or other objects from becoming imbedded. The ears, chest, legs, tail and under carriage have moderate feathering. As a result of this feathering some amount of grooming is required. Some trimming will be necessary around the head, feet and ears. Extra grooming is required especially after a day out in the undergrowth as the coat can and will pick up all sorts of twigs and grass.

The English Springer Spaniel benefits from early intensive socialization and obedience. They must have firmness, fairness, praise, and consistency. The Springer is a hardy dog which is well-behaved and quick to learn and respond. They are easily controlled, not highly strung, aggressive or shy. Through training this is an ideal family pet, which does not do well in a kennel environment.

Overall Exercise: 2 hours per day.
These dogs love the outdoors, energetic enough to go on all day. A lot of exercise and learning is required to keep this dog content. They love to be kept involved in all family activities and as such are ideal for a growing family. They will settle happily after exercise

Feeding requirements:

The young dog is normally a very good eater and as such can be prone to obesity during the formative months. Owners should be very aware of this and ensure that they stick to a strict dietary regime, and at the same time making sure that the dog is getting the proper nutrition that it needs. 

Exercise: High

Grooming: Med

Noise: Med

Personal Protection: Medium

Suitability As Guard Dog: Low

Level of Aggression: Medium

Compatibility With Other Animals: High

Suitablity for Children: High

Often docked:  Yes

Average litter: 6 - 10 puppies

Life expectancy: 10 - 15 years

Health issues: Usually sound and healthy. May have eye abnormalities, PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy) or ear infections. Other health concerns include enzyme deficiency, PFK Phosphofructokinase deficiency, allergies and possible temperament problems.

History:  One of the oldest Spaniels in England save the Clumber Spaniel, they were originally known as the Norfolk Spaniel. Paintings of dogs resembling the Springer go back to the 1600s. They gained the title of "Springer" because of their usefulness in "springing" game for the gun. Springer Spaniels were also commonly used for flushing out game before shotguns were commonly used. Springer Spaniels actually came from exactly the same stock as the Cocker Spaniel, and are still very closely related. In the 1800s the breed was intermixed commonly with the Cocker Spaniel, Welsh Cocker and Field Spaniels. All could be conceived in the same litter, simply naming the bigger ones Springers, medium ones Field, and smaller ones Cockers. It is recorded that a red and white dog named Corrin of Gerwin was registered as a Welsh Cocker, then changed to be registered as a Welsh Springer, whose son initially became an English Springer. Flexibility in breeding was permissible back then, but when confusion began to mount (especially with the saying, "When is a Cocker not a Cocker? ...when it's a Springer!"), the breeds were finally separated and banned inbreeding between them, recognizing the English Springer Spaniel with official status in 1902.


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