


+7(916) 190-72-34

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English Setter

English Setter Profile

Other Names: Setter

Country of origin: England

General appearance:

English Setters are, of course, part of the setter family and as such are of medium height, have a clean outline and are elegant. They have a long flat coat which requires regular grooming and are of medium to light build.The hair on the ears, chest, underbelly, and tail should be feathered and soft, while the remaining hair should be close lying and short. The show English Setters usually have a much longer and heavier coat than the field bred type, and they require much more grooming. They are the epitome of strength, grace and stamina.


Speckled colours preferred including:
Black and white (blue belton)
Orange and white (orange belton)
Lemon and white (lemon belton)
Liver and white (liver belton)


Bitch              61cm - 65cm 
Dog                65cm - 68cm


                                 Min                   Max

Bitch              25kg (55lbs)       30kg (66lbs) 
Dog                25kg (55lbs)       30kg (66lbs)


Friendly and good natured but can be mischievious. They are also intelligent and energetic dogs who need plenty of exercise. Enthusiastic and mild mannered, English Setters do well in a family environment making a great child's companion. They should not be trusted around smaller and more passive animals, however can do well with other more common animals such as the cat and the dog, given they have had the proper socialization. They are lively, sociable dogs that will announce the arrival of visitors and then treat them as if they have known them all their lives!
English Setters love the outdoors, and can adapt to living with a family or living in a kennel. They are quite sensitive, and do not respond well to harsh training.


Free and graceful but fast and enduring.

Care and training:

The English Setter requires regular brushing if the coat is to stay in good shape. The feathering of the coat should be checked for burrs as they have the tendency to get stuck in the coat. Regular trimming of the hair between their pads and under their ears is a must. Air must be allowed into their ears to prevent infections.

Given the proper handling and techniques, English Setters can learn very quickly. Obedience classes at an early age are recommended. The English Setter is a very quick learner, however vies for human attention and requires much of it or they can become destructive and somewhat of a tyrant. Harsh training is not acceptable with this breed, as they are very sensitive. They may not obey a command they understand because they are in fear of disappointing or failing their master. Positive reinforcement is the best method for this breed.

Overall Exercise: 80 - 100 minutes per day.
This breed needs quite a lot of exercise. They do have a tendency to wander so make sure your garden is well fenced. Being that this breed was bred for running all day long, they have infinite energy and love to run which requires at least two hours of exercise daily.

Feeding requirements:

The English Setter is an undemanding dog to feed with no special dietary requirements; they generally have a good appetite.

Exercise: Med

Grooming: Med

Noise: Low

Personal Protection: Low

Suitability As Guard Dog: Low

Level of Aggression: Low

Compatibility With Other Animals: High

Suitablity for Children: High

Often docked? No

Average litter size: 6-8

Life expectancy (yrs): 10 - 14

Health issues: Unfortunately, English Setters are prone to an inherited tendency of blindness. The whiter variety has more risk of developing allergies, skin condition. Other health concerns include hypothyroidism and deafness. 

History:  Mentioned in European literature in the 14th century, the English Setter has been a registered breed by the Kennel Club in London since 1873. They have existed for at least 400 years in England. Descended from a variety of Spanish spaniels and pointers, they have also been known as the Laverack Setter or Llewellin Setters. These names come straight from the English Setter's origins; Laverack and Llewellin were men who maintained and fostered the breed for specific purposes, mostly for their performance in the field. The name "setter" is actually the result of how they sit down, or "set", when they see their prey. They often crawl up closer to their prey, "army trench style".  Edward Laverack of the 1850s decided to buy a pair of Setters from a reverend who had owned and bred them for 35 years. Laverack spent many resources and years of his life dedicated to producing a Setter to his ideal. The strain of Setter he created became popular worldwide, and many were exported to other countries, including America.


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